Happy New Year Wishes 2020

Enjoy the new year by visiting different or your favourite place with your loved ones and click lots of pictures and make memories. Also don’t forget to share these breathtaking Happy new year wishes…


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Builders and breakers.

Preying birds from high up above.

Yearning for scenes that take a bow.

Splitting worlds as words command.

Living lives at the moment’s demand.

Naming properties for the bricks of intent.

Igniting bouts of blankness in the pertinent.

Pruning the tree that affiliates to familiar crime.

Inviting new orders laying stacks of rhyme.

Interpreting acts through the lens of argument.

Clashing desires in symbols that complement.

Assuring propositional strength in the draft.

Submitting to the gravity of the perfect craft.

Catching dreams that best align.

Drowning all but the ark of ‘the timeline’.

Aspiring conformity to the form of the adept.

Sinking in to the depths of ‘the abrupt line’.

Reevaluating decisions of the nature malign.

Flushing dreams hoping to be bereft of all rift.

Connecting causal absurdities that float adrift.

Colliding perspectives allured by compliment.

Branching views that refuse to supplement.

Clearing the stage of expression for pure mime.

Cuffing the hands of scalar time.

Welcoming the pull of the hazy instant.

Mistaking errors to be the source of discontent.

Filling entirety with conviction and no reprimand.

Denying the roaring thunder of the adamant.

Entrusting attentiveness that it may borrow.

Projecting wonder to the clutches of the morrow.

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